Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Request Recommendation Letter

Dear Mr. Barron,

This month I am applying for a position as a typesetter with Doe Publishers. It's been just over a year since I worked under your supervision at Graphmaster. Because of the extensive training you gave me there, I naturally consider you one of the best references to vouch for my typesetting skills. Would you be able to prepare a letter of recommendation for me?

I'm hopeful you'll consider describing for Doe the broad range of projects I worked on while at Graphmaster--from fliers, newsletters, posters, and wedding announcements to some book-length projects. Also, since the position I'm applying for requires some versatility with various desktop word-processing and typesetting applications, could you also mention my computer literacy?

I'd greatly appreciate your help and feel that your recommendation will help me compete successfully for this position. I hope this will not be an imposition. I've enclosed a stamped, self-addressed envelope for your use in forwarding the recommendation to Doe.

Thank you very much for your kind assistance.

Cordially Yours,
[Your Name]

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